Merlin the Wizard has once again ambushed your village! This time you seek revenge and aim to ambush his castle, taking back what your village owns. 

The point of the game is for the character viking to go through obstacles through parkour and fights with giants and the wizard itself in order to win.

I had a lot more plans in mind for my game but they were a lot complex to complete, they are tasks that I would really like to include once I become better experienced with Unity.

My game isn't exactly playable as I have a really bad error with my menu, collectable and lives system that I am not sure how to fix, but I have uploaded my game as I would like to receive feedback on what I could include/improve.

If anyone knows how to fix the error please let me know!

The village prototypes and the trees I have used within my game are free Assets from the Unity store, the links:

(Play the game in Fullscreen to get a better view)


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A nice simple game that's fairly easy to beat. The graphics are simple and clear to understand.

Pros -

I really liked the design of the village, trees, and castle. The castle had a nice recognisable design that made the end of the level pay off.

The game was challenging and had variety in its platformers. Such as: Wall jumping, lifts, collectibles, and moving platforms.

The use of animations helps bring the world and character to life, and helps you connect with the character.

cons -

character movement is delayed making it hard to determine jumps (This may be due to running on the Web. )

There is no music/ sound, I feel this could add a lot of character to the game. 

sometimes the camera position made it too hard to see where I was landing, maybe this could be zoomed out slightly?

Overall, nice simple game that's good fun and enjoyable, great job. :)